Color Coordinating Your Walls and Flooring

Choosing the correct paint color and flooring combination play a huge part in the overall design and feel of your home. Matching a new paint job to an existing floor scheme, or vice versa, is a critical component in the interior design process and helps create a “finished” appearance. Read on to educate yourself about the different ways colors and textures can work together to create the home of your dreams.

If you have ever experienced the frustration of bringing home a gorgeous piece of furniture only to realize it looks completely out of place in your home, you are not alone. While a certain piece of furniture may look incredible in one space, it may not coordinate well in a different space. The same applies to wall and flooring options. When redesigning a space, this makes it especially important to plan in advance and do your research.

It is important to note that color coordinating your walls and floors does not equate to making sure that they match perfectly. Contrast is definitely important when it comes to decorating your interior. If you have light-colored walls, dark-colored floors will pop and create a dramatic, eye-catching effect.

Choose wall and floor colors with similar tones. This can be accomplished by determining whether the floor is cool-toned or warm-toned. Floors with ashy tones match better with cool paint colors, while floors with golden tones complement warm paint colors. For example, if you plan on installing a dark wood flooring then you can pair it with cool-toned light grey or blue walls.

The easiest way to ensure that your floor and wall colors coordinate is by painting your walls a neutral shade. Ivory, white, and beige are all great choices. This will give you the most freedom to choose the exact flooring and furniture you want.